While E3 is generally known to showcase some amazing upcoming games, it's also known to have drop dead gorgeous booth babes on display as well. This year however, there was a huge lack of booth babes. While they were still sprinkled throughout the show, you actually had to look out for them, rather than looking left, and then right, and seeing them in every direction.
With that said, here are our top pics of Booth Babes E3 2012

That outfit couldn't have been very comfortable, but at least it was damn pretty to look at.

She likes the whips and chains, or as I was led to believe by her costume.

We like free shirts! Even better when hot girls in uniforms shoot them out of a T-Shirt cannon!

Peripherals? Yes!

These Wushu girls might just kick your ass with their martial arts skills, or you know, it could all just be for show.

Oh PlanetSide 2 girl, I'd let you shoot me through the heart any day.

She was on a search for Dragon Balls, hope she found 'em!

Ubisoft girls were simple and effective, and honestly they had the best games to show off, so kudos!

Live long and prosper, does anything else need to be said?

These girls energized the crowd with their...energy drinks.

As usual, the lovely Jessica Nigri could be found parading in front of the Lollipop Chainsaw booth.

These ladies want to show you their dark side, or wait, was it Darksiders 2?

A celebration of Street Fighter and a celebration of booth babes.