For many, League of Legends' 100th character is a milestone of sorts. For many, this next champion is a landmark for the game, which released back in 2009 and has since become one of the most successful MOBA games on the market.
Unfortunately, not everyone was happy about Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow. Many wanted something epic for the 100th release, but as Riot Games' lead champion designer Ryan 'Morello' Scott points out, "every champion needs to be a milestone of some kind".
Morello defended Jayce, while emphasizing Riot's stance of "if there was something more special we could have done here, why aren't we doing that for every champion?"
"While I maintain that Jayce's whole weapon-transforming thing is really fun, it's really not about some big mega-release milestone. It's a nice round number, sure, but I think it'd be kind of ****ty of us if we were holding something back for this that we'd had been capable of doing previously," Morello said in a post.
If we've learned anything from the release of Pulsefire Ezreal, it's that Riot will not release something unless they are 100% confident it's the best they can offer.
"I kind of see it as every champion needs to be a milestone of some kind - just trying to do something we hadn't done before in regards to gameplay, art, lore, or any mixture of them," he explained. "I'll talk more about a couple of the big issues (monsters, why 3 masculine-style males so close) in a future post, but for this I wanna focus on the specific "champ 100 thing." I feel if there was something more special we could have done here, why aren't we doing that for every champion?"
A new video that takes a look back at the first 100 champion in League of Legends champions will be released next week. It will show some of the processes they use and reveal "the man behind the curtain".
He didn't stop there though...He also revealed the 101st champion coming to League of Legends: Zyra - a rather sexy looking plant-like champion.
"I probably shouldn't do this, but what the Hell. I'm really stoked about champion 101 too because I got to work much much more directly on it than I usually do and it's an archetype I think we've needed. I'll..," Morello teased, "plant a little teaser for you."
"Hint, she's not made of flesh," he added.
Morello didn't spoil any details about the new champion, but did tease she will have "something you've never seen before in MOBA."
Small boobs maybe? You're guess is as good as ours. Judging from his not-so-subtle hint and the image, she will be plant-like. A female Maokai maybe? On first glance at the image, she looks like an AP character which is kind of cool since we've had so many bruisers and AD carries released recently. I'm excited for Jayce, but I have to say, Zyra look amazing!
What do you think of the teaser for Zyra? What could her secret ability be!?
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