Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Edmund McMillen dishes out new details on The Basement Collection

Aether Image

Last month, Edmund McMillen announced that he would be releasing The Basement Collection, a compilation of some of his greatest early indie hits. The set will include Time Fcuk, Aether, Meat Boy, Spewer, Grey Matter, Triachnid, and Coil. To sweeten the deal even more, McMIllen revealed that he would also throw in a super secret unloackable game.

Now the developer has released even more info that's sure to make fans get stupidly giddy with excitement. I know I did. First, all of the games in The Basement Collection will feature achievements that are tracked within the compilation. Beating the games will unlock different rewards, as will achieving 100 percent on each title.

Regarding Time Fcuk (one of my favorite indie games of all time), a brand new chapter is going to be added to that game. This new collection of 33 levels will be high in challenge and feature its own story. I tell ya, I'm stupidly giddy as I write this.

Some other enhancements are being made, as well, such as a brand new soundtrack by Danny B for Aether and improved controls for both Triachnid and Meat Boy. Yay! McMillen also announced that The Basement Collection will feature over 10 minutes of unused footage from Indie Game: The Movie where he talks about Aether, Coil, Triachnid, and one of his secret games.

Watch out for The Basement Collection on Steam. It'll be priced at $4, which is, like, crazy awesome, you guys. Still no official release date yet, but we can expect that "shortly."


For a bunch of indie game and burrito talk, follow @thesanchezdavid on Twitter.

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